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Ashtanga yoga is based on vinyasas, which are flowing movements between postures. It is a physical practice that focuses on energy and breath, but it also promotes mental clarity and inner peace. Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic and athletic form of hatha yoga that integrates the eight limbs or principles of yoga.
A form of yoga as exercise that emphasizes detail, precision, and alignment in the performance of yoga postures (asanas). Iyengar Yoga, popularized by the renowned yogi B. K. S. Iyengar, and described in his best-selling 1966 book Light on Yoga, Iyengar Yoga is a form of yoga as exercise that focuses on the structural alignment of the physical body through the practice of asanas. It differs from other styles of yoga in three ways: precision, sequence, and use of tools.
Hatha yoga is a basic process of yoga. Ha means sun, Ta means moon. Hatha means bringing a balance between the sun and moon inside you, or Pingala and Ida inside you. Hatha yoga is an ancient deeply spiritual yoga method that takes the body to a higher level of abilities and spirituality.
Meditation is a practice in which a person uses a technique to train attention and awareness and to detach from critical thinking. Through meditation, a person achieves a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation is extremely effective in curing many mental diseases. Meditation is also an excellent and proven method to make a person mentally strong.
In Hinduism, kundalini is a form of divine energy believed to be located in the Muladhara at the base of the spine. It is an important concept in Shaiva Tantra, where it is considered a force or power associated with the formless aspect of the divine feminine or Goddess. This energy in the body, when developed and awakened through tantric practice, is believed to lead to spiritual liberation. The seven chakras in the human body are awakened through various yogic and spiritual processes and intense practice, which take the human body to the star of highest spiritual, mental and physical abilities..
Panchkarma is a treatment system for body, mind and consciousness which purifies the body. This system is completely based on Ayurvedic principles. Through this system, Vata, Pitta and Kapha are balanced in the human body. Because their imbalance causes all physical diseases. Panchkarma system is done through a special process after examining the imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body of each person. For this, deep experience and in-depth observation of the whole body and deep exploration of the effects are required.
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